A wheelchair is a life-changing vehicle for its user. Although a wheelchair can vastly improve its user’s lifestyle, different types of wheelchairs meet different needs of different users. For example, a lightweight electric wheelchair may be easier to transport than other types of wheelchairs on the market. However, other types of wheelchairs feature other benefits such as folding and standing chairs. Regardless of your choice, mPOWER Chairs offers the best selection of wheelchairs and knowledge to help you make an informed choice.

The Physical Benefits Of Lightweight Electric Wheelchairs
The most obvious reason that electric wheelchairs are a natural choice for many is that they do all the work. Although many people could maneuver sufficiently with a manual wheelchair, hills and inclines make it harder for many people to get themselves around. When you shop for a lightweight electric wheelchair, they usually pack a lot of power within a small frame. The best lightweight electric wheelchairs can usually go a far distance on a single charge. We find that many can deliver on at least 15 miles throughout a single charge.
Naturally, there are also many people who simply don’t have either the ability to use their hands or lack the arm strength to operate a manual wheelchair. That’s why when you’re shopping for lightweight electric wheelchairs, you should consider looking for features that make mobility easier such as battery life, a joystick, or even storage compartments for medication or other personal health devices. As you consider these features, they ultimately seek to make the user’s experience easier. Specific health and safety features are found on different models of chairs and can help increase your comfort. When you operate a small lightweight electric wheelchair, it can provide you with more independence due to its ease-of-use and the ability to travel without experiencing fatigue.
The Emotional Benefits Of Lightweight Electric Wheelchairs
As you conserve energy throughout the day by using a lightweight electric wheelchair, it becomes easier to enjoy social functions and interact with friends, family, and coworkers. The ability to socialize is critical for your emotional and physical health, so the extra energy reserved through an electric wheelchair will help you to maintain a healthy social life. This will help you to continue to partake in all of your favorite activities, whether it is visiting a local park, going shopping, or traveling to visit friends and family. This will ultimately promote an active lifestyle and could help you maintain a more positive outlook on life.
Where To Go Next?
As we mentioned elsewhere, the EWheels EW-M45 has been named as the #1 Best Folding Power Wheelchair by Electric Wheelchairs USA. It’s a lightweight electric wheelchair that delivers good comfort while carrying enough battery life to last a long distance. A lightweight power wheelchair like this carries many of the best features found in lightweight electric wheelchairs, but with “a little extra oomph”. This extra power helps you to get through the craziest days and keep pace with all that you need to get done.
Another popular option is the WHILL Model Ci2 Smart Power Wheelchair. Unlike many other lightweight electric wheelchairs on the market today, the Model Ci2 is embedded with a small 3G modem and Bluetooth, which you can connect with your smartphone. Through the dedicated app, you can lock or unlock to secure it, change the drive mode based on your environment, access key device information and battery health to ensure your Model Ci2 is operating at its best, and with the iPhone app, you can even remotely drive your chair (that feature isn’t available on Android yet). These smart features help you, and any caregivers receive the care and support you need to maintain the chair and receive real-time maintenance diagnostics.
Whichever model of lightweight electric wheelchair you choose, we want you to feel like it’s the best fit for your needs, and the most comfortable fit. We’re very proud of our full collection of lightweight electric wheelchairs. We stand by each one as a unique solution to a difficult problem, and we’re more than happy to answer any questions about which model is right for you. It’s a large commitment to select your next wheelchair, and we’d love to be there to help you make it.